Landitec Distribution GmbH

Landitec is a specialized Distributor for Network Equipment. Since 1996 Landitec’s IT-professionals gained experience in selling peripheral devices. In March 2007 the Landitec Distribution GmbH was assigned by Lanner Electronics Inc.,Taipei/Taiwan as its official Distributor for Europe. The Landitec Distribution GmbH delivers its products under German Quality Standards. Landitec executes a specific quality standard cycle for each single product. Product-specified hardware-tests and final checks before shipment make sure that high-reliability and quality of the products are guaranteed.
Landitec customers profit from a big store of products kept ready on demand in Germany, which safes time and money. This ensures also a real-time on-site RMA- and Repairservice. Another advantage is Landitec’s logistic location near the airport with all the relating infrastructure, enabling Landitec fast times of delivery. Due to its deep specialized knowledge of the sales- and support-team Landitec is a strong and reliable business partner.