
The Edge AI appliance is designed to revolutionize computer vision solutions for both vehicles and railways. This innovative platform combines the power of rugged design, AI acceleration, rich I/O interfaces, and wireless connectivity with real-time processing capabilities, paving the way for in-vehicle computer vision solutions with reduced latency and improved decision-making.



Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technology is undoubtedly the best path to efficient and precise autonomous driving systems but also one of the most challenging. The traditional in-vehicle technology doesn't have the necessary capacity to perform high processing workloads, especially intensive AI and ML decision-making.

Big-city transit for most urban populations is a way of life and with digitalization and state-of-the-art technology, metro systems can leverage analytical and decision support tools to reduce risk, improve service, and increase safety. Metro and other major public transport systems have embraced evolving digitalization for the provision of services such as security, customer service assistance, and operational support.

Commuter, subway, light rail, and high-speed passenger rail systems are popular modes of mass transportation and are particularly important for cities undergoing rapid urbanization. Rail system digitalization provides many advantages like automated train control (ATC), predictive maintenance, vehicle tracking, and automated fuel and fleet management to ensure maximum security, safety and efficiency of operations.

As public safety technologies continue to improve and evolve, mobile command and control center (MCCC) solutions are becoming more prevalent for public safety agencies of all sizes, and recognized by law-enforcement and military applications and even among organizations that require high quality, mobile video surveillance. Mobile command centers can be vital equipment during emergencies, man-made or natural disasters, enabling quick response and uninterrupted communications to monitor and respond to a crisis.

Recent technological advancements in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and computer vision have enabled manufacturers to greatly increase self-driving capability in vehicles. The major benefits of autonomous vehicles include lowering fuel consumption, reducing CO2 emission, and decreasing congestion. Major automaker companies, technology giants, and specialist start-ups have continued to invest and develop autonomous vehicles, and have even begun testing their driverless cars in many regions in the US and EU.

As we transform into the digital smart city era, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) becomes an indispensable component. ITS technologies help cities manage traffic flow, idle vehicle time, congestion relief, and lower emission from reduction of idling and sitting in traffic. Many cities have implemented some upgrades including wireless networks, connected streetlights, surveillance cameras, to improve their existing infrastructures and further enhance capabilities and efficiency. 

The Passenger Information System (PIS) solution for trains collects and dissipates updated real-time information to passengers. It integrates with various visual and audio components, provides access to the remote command center (or Internet) via wireless communications such as Wi-Fi / LTE for data collection, and is capable of withstanding harsh conditions.

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