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With the complexities of cyber attacks such as DDoS and ransonware, network security solution providers need a reliable hardware partner that understands the specialized requirement for network security landscape and offers wide selection of network appliances specifically built to mitigate cyber threats in SMB, branch office, enterprise and cloud data centers.
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Today sees the release of Lanner’s FX-3810, a 3U rackmount network appliance built with Intel® Xeon® processor, featuring Open Compute capability.
더 읽기: FX-3810: An All-purpose Open Compute Network Powerhouse
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SD-WAN optimization adds app-layer intelligence and service chaining in WAN connections between branch offices and headquarters/data centers and enables a service agility and scalability for on-demand network functions. It requires full-featured hardware and software collaboration to accelerating the SD-WAN time-to-market deployment for service providers. At Interop Tokyo 2017, Lanner will work together with NTT and IIGA to showcase the open networking SD-WAN solution featuring the Lanner’s branch office vCPE gateway FW-7551, enterprise cloud platform HTCA-6200 and the DPDK-enabled SDN/NFV middleware Lagopus and IIGA’s Flow Visualizer.
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Lanner, the global leading supplier in network communication platforms, today announced its participation in Ciena’s Blue Orbit Ecosystem for next generation interoperable SDN and NFV orchestrations. As a member of the ecosystem, Lanner will work with Ciena’s Blue Planet team and other technology partners in the efforts of supplying validated and interoperable SDN and NFV solutions for telecom operators. To demonstrate the vCPE solutions in distributed NFV infrastructure, Lanner Ciena will showcase a joint demo at the Big Communications Event, which will take place in Austin, Texas, United States. Come check our joint solutions at Stand #B407.
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Due to the rapid evolution of cyber attacks, large and small businesses and organizations across the network layers are exposed to extremely high risks of data security threats. Cyber security service providers need reliable, customizable and scalable hardware solutions that accelerate their time-to-market deployment for network security, crypto acceleration, traffic management and next-gen SDN/NFV.
더 읽기: Network Appliances for Mitigating Network Security Risks between Edge and Core
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According to recent analysis about ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems Market Analysis 2016-2022), the market is expected to surpass USD $ 40 billion by 2022 due to the rising needs for safety and communications. In the report, Lanner, the leading supplier in networking gateways, was named as a key major player among a list of global suppliers including Hitachi, Siemens AG, Thales Group, Xerox Corporation, Kapsch Trafficom, Q Free, EFKON AG, Denso Corporation, and more*
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Following the transition of network infrastructures from proprietary systems to open architecture, service providers show strong tendencies to build up their networking applications based on their specific environments. To accelerate the deployment process on network appliance, Lanner, the leading provider in network security gateway and appliance, today announced the integration of Broadcom OpenNSL (Open Network Switch Library) in its HTCA-6000 series. The highly integrated Lanner solutions will optimize serviceability for top-tier clients to accelerate customization and application developments.