- Category: Power and Energy
The mounting concerns for climate changes have had many governments seek out feasible energy solutions that are more environmental friendly and less exhaustible; one of the more popular and better developed renewable energy solutions is the solar energy and the reason being solar power systems convert readily available and inexhaustible sunlight directly into electricity with solar cells, leaving almost no carbon footprint.
- Category: Power and Energy
In order to strike the right balance between maintaining the most reasonable cost and ensuring the strictest facility management, system automation is usually depended upon for facility monitoring and process control. The key for successful substation management therefore lies in establishing efficient communications between control centers and off-site automation systems.
Read more: The Integrated Data Communication Platform for Power Substation Management
- Category: Power and Energy
The global energy shortage is now a global crisis. And actions such as energy substitution are being taken to avoid the serious social and economic implications such crisis could potentially bring. Governments around the world have been tackling the energy shortage by implementing technologies to tap into renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. However, such technologies, when compared to the more conventional power generation solutions, are far from cost-effective. Therefore more emphasis is now being placed on energy conservation and how it can be achieved. In order to conserve energy in an immediate and large-scale manner, most governments have drawn and put into effect energy and power related regulations to not only encourage effective energy usage with incentives but also to discourage wasteful energy consumption with penalties.
Read more: Intelligent Building Solution - Building Energy Monitoring System
- Category: Power and Energy
Wind power is a renewable source of energy and China has been actively expanding its wind installations over the past decade. Presently, China is the leader in wind power capacity, making up over 26% of the world total. Wind farms can consist of several hundred wind turbines in remote, harsh environments. Researchers believe that, with China’s land mass and long coastline providing the necessary wind resources, all of its electricity can come from wind power by 2030.
Read more: A Communication Platform in a Wind Power Monitoring System
- Category: Power and Energy
It’s not too difficult for a substation automation company, based in Hebei, China, to find industrial computer manufacturers. The challenging task was finding a partner who was capable of providing low-cost customized solutions to meet their needs.
Read more: An Integrated Communication Platform with a Substation Monitoring System
- Category: Industrial Automation
Detecting flaws by employing machine vision systems is commonplace across a wide range of industries, including semiconductors, pharmaceuticals and automotive manufacturing, because machine vision systems not only lay bare all contamination, scratches, cracks, blemishes, discoloration, gaps and other imperfections undetectable by human vision, they also make available faster TTM and better resource optimization while at the same time lowering both the cost of ownership and the product fail rates.
Read more: Improving Flaw Detection with Machine Vision Systems
- Category: Industrial Automation
This shift means that devices like IoT gateways and industrial PCs are being deployed en masse, in order to bring processing power closer to the data. And Gartner estimates that by 2020 at least 90% of all IoT projects will include gateway devices. Beyond the staggering scale of growth, managing these devices results in a myriad of challenges for organizations:
Read more: Secure IIoT Gateways Ensure Visibility, Security and Manageability in Industrial Networks